Friday, April 7, 2017

Trusted Languages in PostgreSQL ... finally with PL/Container

Today PL/Container has been released as open source under the BSD license.

PL/Container runs Python code (and hopefully R code when we can open source it) inside a Docker container. The server side code running inside GPDB communicates with the container using an RPC protocol very similar to the GPDB FE/BE protocol.

Of course there is some overhead but with complicated enough functions this overhead is overcome by the ability to throw more computing power at the problem.

     For example a complicated function that brute force computes the prime numbers below 10,000 runs in approx. 250ms, actually runs faster.

Implementing SCRAM in the JDBC driver

PostgreSQL 10.0 has a fancy new authentication mechanism; Salted Challenge Response Authentication Method or SCRAM for short.

SCRAM will be an alternative to the somewhat controversial MD5 passwords currently being used by PostgreSQL, Michael Paquier has more to say on that here

This post isn't so much about SCRAM but the implementation of it in the JDBC driver. Last year in Ottawa at pgcon Alvaro from 8kdata stepped up and volunteered to write the Java implementation for the driver.

We've decided to enable this in Java 8+ versions of the driver only for a number of reasons the most important being that the cryptographic libraries required to implement this are only available in the JDK from version 8 and up.

Also factoring into the decision is the fact that SCRAM is only available in PostgreSQL 10.0+ and we are of the opinion that there will be very few people that will upgrade or use PostgreSQL 10.x without upgrading their JDK as well.